
+++ Newsletter +++

+++  05.08.2007  +++
Free your mind
Ihr mögt DAMNATUS nicht sehen dürfen, aber das hier dürft ihr sehen:
Good Copy, Bad Copy
Und ein wenig Spaß muss auch sein:
DAMNATUS Petition - 5000 and counting
Free your mind
You may not be allowed to see DAMNATUS, but you can have a look at this:
Good Copy, Bad Copy
And for some fun:
DAMNATUS Petition - 5000 and counting

+++  16.07.2007  +++
Wo wir stehen. Was ihr tun könnt.
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War reports
Where we stand. What you can do.
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+++  11.07.2007  +++
Gegenmaßnahmen eingeleitet
Wir brauchen Deine Stimme!
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Counteractive measures initiated
We need your voice!
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+++  11.07.2007  +++
GW verbietet Fanfilme
DAMNATUS wird zum Präzedenzfall.
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GW forbids all fan films
DAMNATUS sets precedence.
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+++  10.07.2007  +++
Verdammt in alle Ewigkeit?
Games Workshop hat entschieden.
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Damned for eternity?
Games Workshop has made a decision.
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+++  01.05.2007  +++
Premiere in Stuttgart
Zumindest für die Mitwirkenden hatte das Warten nun sein Ende.
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Premiere in Stuttgart
The wait has come to an end - at least for the contributors.
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+++  24.10.2006  +++
Picture Lock
Der aktuelle Status ...
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Picture Lock
The current status ...
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+++  04.12.2005  +++
Ein runderneuerter Trailer
Genau zwei Jahre ist es her, dass wir unseren "Full Trailer" veröffentlichten...
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A renewed Trailer
Exactly two years ago, we released our 'Full Trailer'...
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+++  08.10.2005  +++
Maschinengeist geläutert
Der Computer unseres Komponisten läuft wieder!
Machine spirit depurated
The computer of our composer is running again!

DAMNATUS is an unofficial film project based on the tabletop game WARHAMMER 40.000 by Games Workshop.
No commercial use intended. This is a movie forged BY fans and FOR fans of WARHAMMER 40.000!

If you have questions about our project or this website, feel free to contact the webmasters. The copyright for all forms of media on this site is the exclusive property of the DAMNATUS crew. All rights reserved with the exception of the usage of Games Workshop's trademarks and its intellectual property.

Copyright © 2004 by Tobias Reinold & Huân Vu
Impressum (Imprint) | Datenschutz (Privacy Policy)